I first met TD in first grade at Lincoln School and we became friends. He, Matt Cherish, Karl Paperniak and I were charter members of Mr. Wilkins Science Club. We paid hefty dues of $0.25 per week which we then blew on candy & pop at the end of the year. Good times! Hillel Singer
I think it was Stunts 1969 I recall Theron coming on stage dressed in a tuxedo. He sat down at the piano and play a blistering original composition. I could not believe what I was seeing. Such a great talent.
Hillel Singer
I first met TD in first grade at Lincoln School and we became friends. He, Matt Cherish, Karl Paperniak and I were charter members of Mr. Wilkins Science Club. We paid hefty dues of $0.25 per week which we then blew on candy & pop at the end of the year. Good times!Hillel Singer
Steve Klein
I think it was Stunts 1969 I recall Theron coming on stage dressed in a tuxedo. He sat down at the piano and play a blistering original composition. I could not believe what I was seeing. Such a great talent.
Karl Papierniak
TD was a good friend. Spent many a day playing Monopoly at his house and swimming in his pool. A good person.